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Former BYU student, Joe Bryce, getting experience excavating at the Provo Bay site.

It is a great time to pursue a career in anthropology! According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in the field of anthropology are projected to grow at a faster than normal pace over the next 10 years.

We often receive notifications of job openings from businesses, government agencies, and academic institutions. In the past, we would send these via email to all our majors and graduate students. To reduce the number of emails students receive and to provide this information to our recent graduates, we have created a document that is updated with this information. At any time, you can click the link below to see these job opportunities:


Other Career Resources

Anthropology Careers and resources (AAA)
SAA Career Center
Twin Cairns
Metcalf Archaeological Consultants, Inc.
American Association of Biological Anthropologists
Shovel Bums
USA Jobs
Archaeological Institute of America
US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Chronicle Heritage
Far Western
FBI Careers