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Experiential Learning Fund (ELF)

The Anthropology Department receives funding each year from the college that is from the university Experiential Learning Fund. Experiential Learning is comprised of experiences that "incorporate intention, integration, and reflection and that motivate student learning or prompts inspiration." The purpose of this funding is to financially support undergraduate and graduate students engaged in experiences that involve a mentoring environment and are related to the successful completion of their degree program. We prioritize students who are requesting financial support to attend their field school or for research associated with a with a senior or Master's thesis project. The annual application deadline is January 31.
Follow this link to apply now

Dependent on availability, additional ELF monies become available and we offer a second opportunity for students to apply for funds to travel to and participate in conferences in the fall semester. We were awarded funds for the Fall 2024 semester, and you can apply for these by filling out the application at the link below. The annual deadline for these funds is September 30.
Application will open on September 1st (pending availability)

Department Endowment Funds

The department has received several generous donations over its 75-year history which have allowed us to establish endowments for the purpose of supporting graduate students. Each year we are able to allocate funds from these sources to students who need financial support for their thesis research or conference-related travel. Applications for the Shallit and Rust funds are due on December 31, and the maximum amount students may apply for is $1500. The following are the endowment funds and their intended purposes.

  • Grace Elizabeth (Betty) Shallit Endowment: Established to support graduate students pursuing a Master's degree in the Department of Anthropology.
  • David Jordan Rust and Edloe Book Rust Endowed Memorial: Established to support graduate student research and publication in the field of Book of Mormon archaeology in the Americas.
    Follow this link to apply now

We recognize that some students are hindered in the completion of their degrees due to financial need. We are committed to helping students make it to graduation in a timely manner, and the Van Pelt Fund was established with this purpose. Applications for this fund should be directed to the department chair and are accepted on a rolling, as needed basis (no deadline).

  • Warren C. Van Pelt Memorial Fund: Provides need-based scholarships to seniors and graduate students intending to pursue careers in either archaeology or anthropology, or both, who have demonstrated an aptitude for succes in either field, and who might not otherwise be able to complete their education.