Anthropology Seminar Skip to main content

Anthropology Seminar

The Anthropology Seminar is a department-hosted speaker series that involves a mix of BYU faculty and outside speakers representing a range of anthropological subfields and work in related disciplines. Speakers present current research and theory, and every session involves time for discussion and debate. This is an important forum for undergraduate and graduate students to get exposure to cutting-edge research relevant to anthropology and related fields, as well as to interact with scholars from various backgrounds who are producing current scholarship in areas of interest to our Department. We encourage all students and faculty in the department to attend as often as they can. Students who are willing to commit to attendance at the seminar for an entire semester can register for ANTHR 450 and receive 1 credit per semester for the seminar. Three semesters of ANTHR 450 will count as a 3-credit systems class in our majors.

The speaker schedule is updated regularly on our Department Calendar.