April Reber Skip to main content

April Reber

Visiting Assistant Professor, Cultural Anthropology

885 KMBL

April Reber is currently researching a German political party, Alternative for Germany (AfD). She examines the relationship between extremism and democracy by analyzing tactics through which the AfD, labeled extreme, navigates and claims legitimacy in liberal democracy. Her specific foci include political humor and performance (such as gesture), provocative songs and sounds, and legitimation of "normal" in liberal democracy.

Reber, April. Don’t Be A Nazi: Democracy, Extremism, and Alternative for Germany. (Book Manuscript, Book Proposal Under Review).

Peer-Reviewed Articles (Under Review or in Preparation)
Reber, April L. 2021. “Corporeal politics, pandemics, and affluent democracy.” ISGV Jahrbuch. Institut für Sächsische Geschichte und Volkskunde.
Reber, April. “Alternative for Germany”– Reconfiguring German Democracy.” (Under review).
Reber, April. “Eastern German tropes and democracy.” (In preparation).
Reber, April. “Alternativeness as a political project.” (In preparation).
Reber, April. “Creating democratic legitimacy through gesture.” (In preparation).

Student Publications Mentored
Gabbie Jarvis. 2024. “The Hmong Language as a Connection Between Past and Present in Rural Thailand.” Journal of Undergraduate Ethnography.

Book Review
Reber, April. 2021. Book Review. Smarte Spalter: Die AfD zwischen Bewegung und Parliament. “Neues Archiv für sächsische Geschichte.” 92. Band.
Reber, April L. 2014. “Labor and identity activism: Reviewing Tran’s Ties that Bind.” Student Anthropologist.

Academic Online Forums
Reber, April L. 2023. Page 99 Test: The Extremist Next Door: Normalcy and Democratic Legitimacy in Germany. Communication, Media, Performance Anthropology. https://campanthropology.org/2023/08/.
Reber, April. 2020. “The sound of silence: Watching anti-COVID regulation ‘walks.’” Fundstück aus dem ISGV. https://www.isgv.de/aktuelles/details/fundstueck-aus-dem-isgv-im-juli-2020.